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The course takes place from the 25th September until the 8th of December 2017.

Lectures will be held every week on:
– Monday 12.15 am room F2 (Polo Piagge)
– Tuesday 10.30 am room F2 (Polo Piagge)
– Friday 8.45 am room Windows (Centro di Calcolo)


The Course consists of 4 modules delivered by 4 professors with expertise covering all the aspects of the course.

Prof. Davide Fiaschi

Davide Fiaschi is full Professor in Economics at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Pisa. He is an expert in the fields of Regional Policy, Economic Growth, Wealth Distribution, Nonparamteric and Semiparametric Methods and Applied Spatial Econometrics. Published works on growth volatility and the structure of the economy, convergence and polarization both at regional and province levels. He is the referee for Computational Economics, Econometrica, European Journal of Political Economy and others important journals. He has been teaching at undergraduate, Master and Ph.D. level.

He will be the leader and academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet module, delivering 30 hours of lectures. He will contribute to the course covering the issue about the statistical theory for some key modern statistical techniques and their application to some update real world economic through R implementation.


Prof. Sonia Paty

Sonia Paty is full Professor at the University Lyon 2 and the director of the research centre GATE- Lyon St-Etienne. Her current research activity deals with Public economics, taxation, local governments, applied spatial econometrics. She published on international journals several papers on local government
cooperation, fiscal cooperation and tax competition. She has been teaching both at undergraduate and graduate level spatial and public economics, as well as local and European taxation. She will contribute to the course covering the issue about the European taxation systems and the implications of fiscal policy coordination and competition on economic decisions.


Dr. Angela Parenti

Angela Parenti is a young fellow researching in the fields of Empirical Growth, Applied Economics, Regional Policy, Economic Convergence, Spatial Econometrics, Nonparametric Methods. She was a research collaborator at IRPET institution with a research project on “L’impatto dei Fondi Strutturali e di coesione su convergenza, crescita e occupazione dei territori toscani” and currently at IMT Lucca on the EXODUS project. She will cover the issues related to the historical development of EU Regional policy, the theoretical and empirical models of the growth and convergence of EU regions.


Dr. Irene Brunetti

Irene Brunetti is a young fellow researching in the fields of Policy Evaluation, Socio-Economic Mobility, Income and Wealth Distribution. She is winner of the fellowship funded with POR FSE 2007-2013 for the project Social Inclusion and Exclusion in the Labor Market of Province of Pisa”. During the module she will debate the topics related to the evaluation of economic policies and the possible problems that can arise in the quantitative evaluation.

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