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The course takes place from the 25th September until the 8th of December 2017.

Lectures will be held every week on:
– Monday 12.15 am room F2 (Polo Piagge)
– Tuesday 10.30 am room F2 (Polo Piagge)
– Friday 8.45 am room Windows (Centro di Calcolo)

  • Fiaschi and Parenti (2013), An Estimate of the Degree of Interconnectedness between European Regions: A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach, mimeo.
  • Brunetti and Corsini (2014). Workplace Training Programs: Instruments for Human Capital Improvements or Screening Devices? http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/55943/1/MPRA_paper_55943.pdf
  • Fiaschi, and Parenti (2014), How Reliable Are the Geographical Spatial Weigths Matrices?, Région and Développement, 40, 53-68.
  • Fiaschi, Gianmoena and Parenti (2014), Local Directional Moran Scatter Plot-LDMS, Région and Développement, 40, 97-112.
  • Brunetti, Fiaschi, Gianmoena and Parenti (2015), Volatility in European Regions, Papers in Regional Science, doi:10.1111/pirs.12212.
  • di Porto, Parenti, Paty and Abid (2016), Local Government Cooperation at Work: A Control Function Approach, Journal of Economic Geography, 17 (2), 435-463.
  • Fiaschi, Gianmoena and Parenti (2017), Asymmetric Macroeconomic Volatility in European Regions, Spatial Economic Analysis, 12 (2-3), 251-278.
  • Fiaschi, Gianmoena and Parenti (2017), Spatial Club Dynamics in European Regions, Regional Science and Urban Economics, doi: 10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2017.04.002.
  • Fiaschi, Lavezzi and Parenti (2017), Does EU Cohesion Policy Work? Theory and Evidence, forthcoming in Journal of Regional Science.

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